Christianity, Patriotism, Politics

Uncle Sam and the Kingdom of God

I don’t think the world is tired of Christianity. I think it’s tired of Christians attempting to hold them to a standard they don’t care about, which has never really made much sense to me. Our government’s standard if Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, not the Bible. The Bible is my standard and I’m sure its the personal standard of some of the judges on the court, but I don’t get why Christians are so upset that they ruled in favor of the liberty of gay people to pursue happiness in a lifelong bond? Like… that is the standard and they judged accordingly.
We don’t live in a theocracy. We live in a diverse nation where we are free to live and worship how we individually see fit. Christians are called to be in the world, but not of it. That’s great. Don’t be of it. No one is asking you to be. If John and Ron are two Agnostic gay men tying the knot, it has absolutely nothing to do with you. It is none of your business. They’re in America, not God’s Kingdom. They aren’t interested in Jesus. If they decide to become followers of Christ, then you have a right to step in and have a conversation with them about your thoughts on the testimony of scripture. Until then, mind your own business.
I think for the most part, Christians in the United States believe that this country is God’s Kingdom and it’s not. Just to clarify, I believe along with the testimony of the Word that God is sovereign over all the earth, including the United States. By saying that the US is not God’s Kingdom, I simply mean that it isn’t the established kingdom promised to descend from the sky in Revelation as all things are made right. It’s possible to be a believer and patriotic without confusing the two. If this country is what Heaven is like, I’ll take a rain check. We’re promised a future with no more tears, no more pain, no more suffering, but its future. It’s not right now. This isn’t it. This isn’t as good as it gets. We’re just living in a delusion that this is it. That the USA is the standard, which has caused many believers to overstep their bounds.
We don’t impact the world by running up to Washington and calling for separation of church and state when it benefits us, but bashing it when it doesn’t and attempting to work the system to get what we want. That’s actually a really ungodly thing to do. And that’s going to mean, for example, that the ten commandments can’t be on display in government buildings unless every other religion has the ability to place their laws in the building as well. It’s a standard of fairness. And besides, if God’s law isn’t etched on the hearts of the people in those buildings, what does it matter if there are stone tablets on the grounds or not? It really doesn’t make a difference…
We don’t impact the world by trying to make everyone think and act like we think they should, no matter how sincere the intention. We impact the world by doing what Jesus told us to do: Love God with all your heart, Love other people selflessly, and share the Gospel. That’s it. It’s really not that complicated. It doesn’t have to be messy and full of politics. Christian, you are first a citizen of the Kingdom and secondly a citizen of the USA. Christianity does not equal America. It’s time we realize that and appreciate each entity for what it is.

One thought on “Uncle Sam and the Kingdom of God

  1. I agree. For too long we have tried to change peoples behaviors rather then their heart. Jesus accepts everyone where they are at and then helps them live life to the fullest. Often we just want everyone to look their part as a Christian, rather then being a messy person striving to follow God.

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